Religion is stupid, and dangerous
When your invisible friend tells you to kill it is called madness, when somebody else's invisible friend tells them to tell you to kill that is call religion. More on the wonderful religion of peace. All of these things will of course be completely denied as really not part of Islam; even though they keep coming up again and again, are integral parts of every Islam dominated society, and are in the Islam 'holy' books. This is not some aberration this is Islam.
this very true but our government which is controlled by PC andcompletely scared of this religion has made it impossible for it advertised.
If a book was published telling people to kill cheating wifes, stealing children, homosexuals and any other uncomformist then it would be without doubt stripped from the shelves. However this country has sat back for too long and let this religion multiply in size in power that its impossible to fight it and as they build for a islam state of sharia law we will to nothing because its not PC.
Try telling that millions of Africans that have received food & water from religious organisations.
I'm not religious myself, but I'm also not stupid enough to write off religion as being stupid and dangerous.
People have fought and died for you to have an opinion, why waste that sacrifice talking absolute shite?
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